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This is the N332 Traffic Update for week commencing Sunday 8 December 2024. We are just coming out of the first holiday period of the season, with Constitution Day celebrated on Friday and the religious holiday of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, which means the roads will still be particularly busy in places like shopping and leisure facilities, and towns and cities where holidays are celebrated.
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General Traffic Overview
As the second holiday of the period was on Sunday, many locations have moved the holiday to the Monday, but not all. Murcia has, for example, but neighbouring Valencia has not. This is important because, as usual, there will be many people who have visited the coast and mountain areas for the weekend and will then head back inland, but depending on where they are from the return could be either Sunday or Monday, although Sunday is also likely to be the busiest day in that sense.
It also means that Monday is a none working day in many places, to the normal flow of traffic will be different to usual.
Talking about local holidays, as well as coming out of this weekend, Totana in Murcia celebrates a local holiday on Tuesday, as does Merida in Badajoz, so it is an especially long weekend for them.
We will talk about the weather shortly, but that too has to be taken into consideration before setting off and during the journey, and we have seen snow in places already.
If you are of a superstitious nature, we have Friday the 13th this week, and a full moon on Sunday 15th, which is one of those times when everyone needs to be a little more alert!
Special Traffic Operations
There are no special traffic operations this week, but looking ahead, next week, Roadpol, the European Traffic Police Network, are coordinating their Europe-wide campaign focusing on alcohol and drugs, a problem throughout the year but more so during the festive season. Remember, the only safe level of alcohol is zero. Next year, in Spain, we will see the permitted alcohol level reduced, and it is already lower than some countries, the UK for example, but it will effectively mandate zero alcohol consumption before driving.
Upcoming Driving in Spain Information
Amongst the articles we will be publishing on the N332 website this week,, on Tuesday we will be talking about carrying items outside the vehicle. Last week, we talked about keeping things secure inside, including the explanation as to why you can be fined for carrying your shopping on the back seat of the car. This week we move outside, most commonly referring to things like carrying bikes at the back, and the restrictions on width, but there are also restrictions relating to carrying things on the roof. This is important at this time of year because of carrying more than usual, like gifts, for example, or even perhaps the Christmas tree.
Later in the week, we do focus our attention on alcohol, both looking at the dangers, and the changes, including the reduction in the maximum permitted limit set to be introduced in Spain in 2025. Remember though, and we cannot stress this enough, the only safe limit is zero.
The Weather
Finally, let us take a quick look at the weather for the week, with information from the Spanish Met Office, Aemet, and, as mentioned, we have already seen snow in places, so it is important you check the weather conditions before you set off. On the Aemet website, there is a page dedicated to driving which shows the road conditions, it is called MeteoRuta if you want to search for it. You should also check the DGT traffic map for other restrictions and other problems, always referring to the official information.
It is important to note that if you see a blue circular sign on your journey with a pictogram of a wheel with show chains on, then snow chains are mandatory on your wheels from that point on. If you don´t have snow chains, you must not proceed. Winter tyres, if approved, are okay. Restrictions also apply, so check the N332 website, or the DGT for the full list.
Weather Overview
According to Aemet, moderate and locally heavy snowfall with significant accumulations in the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Mountain range starts the week. Persistent rainfall in the eastern Cantabrian Mountain range and the Pyrenees. Strong north-westerly wind with very strong gusts in large areas of the north and northeast, central mountains and the Balearic Islands. Significant drops in temperature in large areas of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
Deepening of storm Darragh over central Europe, together with the positioning of an anticyclone over the North Atlantic, will favour the entry of an Arctic air mass over the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, leaving abundant cloudiness and precipitation that will affect most of the northern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
More abundant precipitation is expected and may even become persistent in the eastern Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees. However, snow will be the most significant phenomenon at the start of the week.
Moderate and locally heavy snowfall is expected in large areas of the northern half of the peninsula, with an altitude of 700/900 m in the northeast and 800/1000 m in the rest of the northern half. Significant accumulations are expected in the interior of the far north, especially in the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Mountain range.
In the southern half of the peninsula, partly cloudy skies will predominate, although showers are likely in Alboran. Cloudy skies in the north of the Canary Islands with probable light rainfall on the islands with higher relief and cloudy intervals in the rest.
Temperatures will experience a general and sharp drop in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, noticeable in large areas of the territory, with minimum temperatures occurring at the end of the day. In the Canary Islands, slight drops are also expected. As a result, frost will extend to all mountain areas in the northern and southeastern half of the Peninsula, as well as to areas of the Northern plateau and, to a lesser extent, the Southern plateau. They are expected to be severe in the Pyrenees.
Strong winds will blow from the north and northwest in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, reaching strong gusts in large areas of the northern and eastern thirds, as well as in the mountains of the centre and the Balearic Islands. Moderate trade winds will blow in the Canary Islands.
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For your personal use, you can read the full content on the website at Spain Road and Traffic Update – Sunday 8 December 2024
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